Struggling to get sh*t done and be creative with it?

PARAZETTEL for Obsidian offers a unique combination of the two most popular personal knowledge management systems to help you master productivity and creativity.Jump into Tiago Forte's PARA Method and Niklas Luhmann's Zettelkasten fused neatly in a downloadable Obsidian vault you can start using right away. Now PARAZETTEL V3 - all-new to help you master mobile.Perhaps the following seems familiar...You're looking at pages and pages of notes that don't make sense and don't help you move yourself towards any meaningful goal.But it's not just you who feels like this. Rare are the people who open their note-taking system every day with a feeling of excitement for what they're going to create.PARAZETTEL V3 will be what finally turns you into one of these people.

I know the main struggle knowledge workers face. I was there myself, before developing PARAZETTEL...Chasing the perfect PKM system, feeling as though you want to start everything over, getting things just right the next time you try.News flash - your system will never be perfect. A perfect PKM system doesn't exist.But do you really want perfection? Or do you want to create and share?If you do want to create, check out PARAZETTEL - a system that pursues action, not perfection.

What's new, PARAZETTEL for students and more...

Here are some other things you might be asking before downloading, including 'what exactly is new about the V3 version?'

Don't take my word for it...

People all over the globe already use PARAZETTEL. Here's what a few have had to say so far...

When 2023 rolled around, I made resolutions like the rest of us...One was to start writing on the internet.I didn't bother with additional research but instead shared the knowledge that I'd already gained through living my life.The demo vault tells you exactly how to do the same. You don't have to spend hours of time researching. You just need to build a system to turn your experiences into content you can share with the world.I'm not special but I am unique. We all are.PARAZETTEL helps you tap into this and make the most of it.I've said my bit. You can download the vault here...

Free PKM workshop recordings? Yes please...

I hold free workshops for those on my email list. And you can get the recordings - just sign up below and you'll get the link the second you confirm your email address.I demo the PARAZETTEL system in these workshops too, so it's a good way to have a look inside the vault if you want an insider's perspective before investing for yourself...

Still have questions?

Reach out to me via email by clicking the button below and I'll help you out...

Wall of Love: Listen to PARAZETTEL's users

See what real-world PARAZETTEL users have to say about the system. When you're ready, the button below takes you to the download page...

Want to learn more about PARAZETTEL?

Join 320+ who have signed up for a five-day email introduction. We cover PARAZETTEL's origin story, the benefits and drawbacks of both PARA and Zettelkasten and why fusing both solves major personal knowledge management headaches...

Still have questions?

Reach out to me via email by clicking the button below and I'll help you out...

Help me out for a bonus gift

When you complete this review for PARAZETTEL, you can send me a couple of your most burning questions to do with the system and PKM in general. I'll respond with a personal video answering what you need to know.Feedback helps me improve my services, which in turn helps me to teach you better, so every point, whether good or bad, is appreciated. Thank you!

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Want to learn more about PARAZETTEL?

Join 320+ who have signed up for a five-day email introduction. We cover PARAZETTEL's origin story, the benefits and drawbacks of both PARA and Zettelkasten and why fusing both solves major personal knowledge management headaches...

Still have questions?

Reach out to me via email by clicking the button below and I'll help you out...

Free PKM workshop recordings

Every time I share a workshop, I record it and save it to post here. The ones below are the ones I've held so far.

The Four Stages of my PKM - Going through the different stages that I use to get information from being unknown and unidentified, into my PKM system and then transforming it into something useful that I can then create with or process some kind of output with.

Project Management in Obsidian - After popular request following the above workshop, I hosted another event where I went through all the methods, plugins and notes that I use when working on projects in Obsidian. The project in question that I demonstrated was the one that built everything you see here and on the rest of

What else do you want to learn?

I want to host more workshops for you on my email list. But I also want them to be full of value, so I need your help.Fill out the form below to give me a little bit of insight into what you're interested in learning about productivity, PKM and Obsidian...

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Still have questions?

Reach out to me via email by clicking the button below and I'll help you out...